You Don't Have to be Exhausted to be Effective

Why is it that we feel guilty about actually resting?  Why are we so convinced that we have to be exhausted to really be effective?  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  We are more likely to be effective when we have rested and are not feeling exhausted.  I believe that exhaustion and busyness are a trick of the enemy.  We can be so busy "doing stuff" that we forget to refresh and prioritize.  

 Just the other day, we pondered 7 questions to determine if our lives are getting too busy.  You see, that is the devil's plan.  If the enemy can keep you and I running around, doing this, doing that, working over here, and going over there, then he can keep us from the main thing that we truly need to be effective. That main thing is time alone with the Father.  

Now, I completely understand, and I know what you are thinking.  We all have responsibilities that we cannot neglect.  We have jobs to work, companies to run, families to raise, ministries to oversee, meetings to plan, errands to run and the list just goes on and on.  None of those things are bad things.  In fact, they are all quite necessary.  We do not want to be exhausted adhering to these responsibilities; we want to be effective.  Why not be effective and energized?  Sounds like a fantasy, right?

 Jesus is gently resting His hand on your shoulder today, and He is sharing the same message that He shared with the disciples long ago.  Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.  So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone.  Mark 6:31-32 (NLT)

 Will you accept His invitation today?  You will be so glad that you did.  Go away with Him, rest, and get energized.  The best part is that while you are resting in Him, He will be giving you strategies to be more effective. You will walk away ready to be effective and exhaustion will not be a factor!  Let Him heal your soul!

Share this post today with someone who has had enough of being exhausted.

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Your Sister in Christ,


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I spend most days feeling exhausted.  I have many responsibilities.  Remind me to come away with you regularly so that I can be energized and effective In Jesus' Name, Amen.


  1. So much truth to what you are saying. I occupy the pulpit each Sunday to preach. I have come to appreciate the importance of slowing the pace down so I can hear God speak to me. When you have not had time to be with God, it will tell on you when you open your mouth.

    1. Wow! Great way to sum it all up! Thanks for commenting.


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