Part II: 17 Lies the Enemy Whispers to Cause Jealousy in Your Heart

Earlier this week, we took a look at 17 lies the enemy whispers to cause jealousy in our hearts.  Ok, so we are on to the enemy.  We see what he is trying to do.  We understand that we should not be jealous, but what happens if we believe those lies from the enemy and jealousy shows up? 

1. Bitterness is Birthed 
One of the first things birthed as a result of jealousy is bitterness. Bitterness has absolutely no manners. It will invade your soul and take over your heart.  James 3:14-15 (NIV) says it this way but if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.   Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.

2. Disorder is Unleashed
The whispers of the enemy always unleashes disorder. James 3:16 (NIV) goes on to say for where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. Jealousy always leads to disorder. The disorder may not always be on the outside. Sometimes the disorder is on the inside of us. It is difficult to operate in order and remain orderly when jealousy is present.  The disorder may even manifest through our actions or words.

3. Perception is Altered
I think you might agree that when jealousy is present a third thing always seems
to happen. Our perception is altered. It matters not what the reality of the situation is; we are only able to see it the way we 'see' it. Jealousy will cause you to think that someone else's life looks better than yours because they have what you desire. What you perceive as great or better may not actually be.  That altered perception could lead you down the road of deception all because jealousy showed up.

4. Love is Hindered

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) reads love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Another version tells us that love is not jealous.
Why is this important? Jealousy does not allow us to freely love others. The jealousy acts as a barrier and shuts off any love that would try and flow between individuals. It is practically impossible to truly love someone when you want what they have or you struggle to even be happy for their successes. Even if one manages to work up a half of a smile or utter a “congratulations” the love is still hindered by the looming jealousy.

What do we do?  How can we get rid of the jealousy if it has snuck into our hearts?

The first and most reliable thing to do is pray.  Ask God to heal your heart and remove all traces (even small doses) of jealousy.  Next, practice celebrating with others.  Then, change your perspective and stop comparing yourself to others.  Last, concentrate on the fabulous person that you are!  God created you in His image, just the way He wanted you.  Who has time to be jealous when you are a reflection of Him?!  Let Him heal your soul!

I want to hear from YOU!
Question:  If you have overcame jealousy what helped you to conquer it?
Your Sister in Christ,

Prayer:  Heavenly Father,  Thank you for creating me in Your image.  When the enemy begins to whisper lies, help me not to listen or become jealous because I have absolutely no reason to be!  I am yours and I am more than enough!  In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, Amen.

RELATED POSTS: Five Ways to Heal a Hardened Heart  || Loving Those Who are Less Than Lovely


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