Blog Series: Identity (Week 2)

Click here to read week 1 of this blog series.

Over the next few weeks, we will take time together to uncover exactly who we are in Christ!  God does not want us to live defeated and unproductive lives.  He desires for us to know who we are and then live victoriously!

I am a New Creation in Christ!

2 Corinthians 5:17(NLT) this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!  That scripture excites me because we are not who we used to be because of Jesus!  Once we accept Jesus into our lives, we have the opportunity to start fresh. 

Take just a moment and think about the things you used to say, and the places you used to go before you experienced the newness.  Think about the things you struggled with and could not be freed from.  Think about the many sins that you were tangled up in. 

If you haven’t accepted Jesus, the question is do you want to be free?  Do you want to experience newness? Don’t wait!  Click here to pray the prayer of salvation.  You have the opportunity to completely start over today!

Now this newness does not mean that you will no longer struggle or mess up from time to time.  The newness just means that you now have a new identity in Christ.  No one can continue to throw your past up in your face and talk about what you used to do.  None of that matters anymore.  You do not have to walk around feeling guilty and ashamed because you are now walking in newness!  You are a new creation!  

I know it sounds too good to be true, but Christ went to the cross because of God’s love for us, and as a result of the Blood, we become new creations.

When the enemy tries to tell you why your past disqualifies you for that job or that new relationship you can refuse to listen because you are a new person. 

When the bank refuses to approve a loan for you because of your past credit history, walk out with your head held high because you are a new person in Christ.  Besides, God said He would make you a lender and not a borrower anyway…soon enough you will be handing out the loans. 

You may not feel like a new creation today, but you have got to trust that God makes all things new!  Just declare your new identity until you begin to believe it.  I can sense God’s newness all over you!  Let Him heal your soul!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, We come to thank you today because we know who we are in you.  Thank you for giving us a new identity.  Help us to walk in the newness and not be moved by what is behind us.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

**Click here to check out week 3 of this blog series.**


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