Dusty Dreams

Have you ever pulled out books or boxes that had been packed away for a while?  The amount of dust that can pile up is just ridiculous!  Before you know it, you have a rag or feather duster removing the dust bunnies.  I wonder if we are as quick to dust off our dreams?  Without even realizing it, you may have packed away your God-given gifts and talents.  

God has given each of His children at least one gift.  Was it disappointment that caused you to 'box up' your gift?  Could it be the amount of time it is taking your gift to develop that has you considering giving up on it?  Are you struggling to convince others that you are gifted?  Don't give up and walk away; even if your gift has accumulated quite a bit of dust, you can still brush it off and use it.

Joseph was gifted and he never gave up on the ability God gave him.  Joseph had many struggles in his life.  He was gifted by God, favored by his father, and envied by his brothers.  Can you relate?  One of the gifts God gave to Joseph was the ability to interpret dreams.  He first became aware of the gift when he was young.  He was obviously excited and wanted to share his gift with his brothers.  Unfortunately, they did not share his excitement.  (see Genesis 37:5-8) 

Joseph learned the hard way that gifts take time to mature and everyone will not understand and/or support your gift.  

As a result of sharing that dream with his brothers, Joseph was thrown in a pit and later ended up in prison.  What do you do when your gift seems to backfire on you?  Do you keep using it or leave it laying somewhere collecting dust?

While in prison, Joseph meets a butler and a baker who both need their dreams interpreted one night.  Here is where things get interesting.  Joseph volunteers to interpret each man's dream.  Why in the world would he do that?!  The last time he used his gift of dream interpretation look what happened...he ended up in a pit being sold!  

Joseph's faith in God was so strong that he was determined to use what God had given him.  He understood that gifts are given to glorify God.

Joseph could have been angry, bitter and doubtful, but he chose not to be.  He interpreted both dreams accurately and they came to pass just as he had spoken.  It turns out that the butler was released from prison and two years later Pharaoh had a dream.  The butler remembered Joseph and recommended him to Pharaoh.  Joseph accurately interpreted his dream as well. Then, he was released from prison and became second in command to Pharaoh.  It was many, many years later but the dream Joseph shared with his brothers came to pass as well.  

You and I have a choice to make too.  Will we hang our heads in disappointment, walk away, and let our gifts and dreams collect dust?  Will we continue to believe God and use the gift He gave us even if it seems not to be working?  I believe we should remain faithful and one day, as was the case for Joseph, our gifts will make room for us!  Let Him heal your soul!  

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, We thank you for the gift(s) you have given to each of us.  Help us to be patient as you develop the gift(s) and show us how to use it for your glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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