5 Ways to Navigate the New Year
Did you make a New Year's Resolution this year? If so, how's it going so far? Are you still focused and determined to see your resolution come to pass, or are you beginning to feel a little discouraged? It can be so hard to stay on track, at times, even with the best intentions! I want to encourage you today! You can do this! You will accomplish that goal. God wants you to have a great year too. I truly believe that God loves it when we set goals, and accomplish them for His glory. He's rooting for you! John 16:13 (NLT) says When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future . Holy Spirit is your teacher, He's your guide, and He is waiting for you to ask for His help. So go ahead, focus in on that goal, ask Holy Spirit to help you and then, take a look at these 5 ways to navigate the new year: 1. Pray - Take all of your hopes, drea